Friday, October 16, 2015

Dead Man Walking

So I'm always getting this "you need to trim your nose hairs" comments.  I hate hearing it but she's right.  My nose hairs get out of control.  So this morning she (Lenda) talked me into a nose wax job.  I was absolutely terrified.  I'm not into pain of any kind.  But she assured me that it only pulls a little and doesn't hurt in the slightest.
 So I "cowboyed up" and went for it.  It was terrible and yes, it was painful but I did what most women do on a routine basis to look "purdy".  I lived through it and I think I can actually breathe better now.
Oh the things we experience on a mission!


  1. I am tempted to share this on Facebook but I won't! So funny!

  2. Who on earth waxed for you? was it Lenda or someone else? My eyes are watering looking at this. Matt thinks you are in the Hot sun and you have a big ouchie.

  3. I can only imagine the conversation and laughs trying to accomplish this one! You made me smile.

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  5. It was pretty funny. Yes, I (Lenda) did this spa treatment.
